NSW Home Enteral Nutrition (HEN) Service

BrightSky is a distributor for several nutritional suppliers for NSW’s Home Enteral Nutrition service, run by EnableNSW. EnableNSW is a NSW State Government service.

Equipment for management of Home Enteral Nutrition (HEN) may be provided when the person has a limitation in their ability to consume adequate food or fluid orally and will require HEN for 12 months or longer. Often, patients will be discharged from a NSW public hospital and will then access the service on their return home.

BrightSky provides nutritional supplements, enteral feeds and consumables including giving sets, syringes and accessories to NSW HEN patients through delivery to their homes.

For more information, contact BrightSky’s Customer Support Team on:

Email – nutrition@brightsky.com.au

Phone- 1300 88 66 01 (choose Option 2 for Nutrition)

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